Monday, September 19, 2016

When I was Puerto Rican Blog post 2

"He was a year older than I, skinny, brown as a chocolate bar, his hair orange,his hazel eyes full of mischief and laughter. He was the dirtiest boy I'd ever seen, not because he didn't wash, but he couldn't stay clean no matter how many times Dona lola dunked him in the tin tub in the back of the house"
I really love this small section of the book for a few various reasons being obvious and un obvious. First off the very clear one being the description. Just like in my last post I seemed to have gravitated  towards this very thick description of a new coming troublesome character as I love how perfect of an image it gives you of this kid. Its a very classic boy to some degree. Dirty all the time and always up to something you shouldn't be....I remember these days as well. But back to the description I like how the author is associating various aspects of the boy with other things because it really gives the reader  a good reference point. Like when she associates his skin color with a chocolate bar that gives you a very clear picture of the color of his skin as everyone knows the color of a chocolate bar. Another great line is when she associates his hazel eyes with this mischievous kind of laughing mood. Its first off a very interesting way of describing them and secondly she nails his personality for later on in the book even though the character has no clue what he's really like and is just meeting him. The end of this portion also gives a short explanation for his dirtiness explained earlier which I feel although a very very subtle move by the author and very simple can be commonly appreciated throughout the book.


  1. I like the quote you chose, and i remember those days as well. Good job relating the quote to your memories as well

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What are ways that you might use descriptive language in your own writing? Will you use indirect characterization the way the author does when she describes the hazel eyes of the young boy? Good reflection on effective literary devices used by the author.
