Sunday, September 18, 2016

Your Words Become Mine- Dreams

            "At night my sleep was filled with wild dreams."
It seemed like every night had me dreaming of crystal-blue castles, onions the size of houses, and  rats whose red eyes blinked and flashed with the slightest ray of light. Recurring dreams were rare, except for one where I stood on the high balcony above my stairs and the bars slipped away to send me falling endlessly into the darkness. Even that dream was different every time, I could be wrestling with a monster, someone could push me off, or I could just stumble forward. 
          I remember many dreams from when I was younger, but as I've gotten older I remember less and less of them. Just glimpses into my mind, like a feeling or a color, but nothing concrete. It's possible that my mind, as I get more in years, is crammed full of new things every day and has no room for fleeting fantasies. 
         Lucid dreams are defined as dreams where you are awake and aware that you are dreaming. Most people have a few during their life, and some have none at all. I've had four, but all by accident. I only realize I've been dreaming halfway into it, and I've only had one where I had the chance to actually mess around inside of it. It was an experience unlike any other, where I was able to change the entire world. I don't think I'll have many more, sadly, according to the general census that you only have a few. I advise that if you yourself have one, take the situation to your advantage and change the way you see dreams.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Fiona! I see this as a possible introduction to your memoir about a specific recurring dream you are having around a certain event or time in your life. I like the images you describe in your first sentence. "It seemed like every night had me dreaming of crystal-blue castles, onions the size of houses, and rats whose red eyes blinked and flashed with the slightest ray of light."
