Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Blog post #3 Into Thin Air

(If this repeatedly trails off apologies because its late i'm tired and angry at politicians)

In this blog post i'm going to focus on some i think writers and my self will and have faced in writing memoirs. This as well as the process and possible hang that I will be facing when writing my own memoirs.

One thing that I've noticed about Jon Krakauer is that when he is writing he has a difficulty telling this account as a story from his experiences and emotions. Instead he tells the story very blandly and ti me it has more of a ton as a documentary or report. There really is not a large trace of his personality in this story. I can see this also may be a problem for me considering my personality which in no part enjoys or cares to share.

The process of writing these is a very far off concept for me because I have to talk and tell stories about myself and experiences. This I really see as a hang up for me not just involving the sharing but I also have a trash memory so this will likely take a long time.

A large hang I am worried about is the amount of detail that i will put into my writing because i will have no clue if its to little or to much. If its to little it will make my story bland and sound like a children's book. Then there is the chance i add to much and it makes my story and experiences to dragged on and almost mind numbingly due to the length that it would cause it to be


  1. I completely agree how reading this book is more like reading a documentary instead of a memoir. He puts little to no emotion in his writing. He seems like he is better at typing facts than putting how he felt about something in the book. I know how you feel about not knowing how much description to put in my sentence and when enough is enough.

  2. I agree^. The book is very bland he does not add any emotion and we can't get any information about his personality. I think the reason is that he was a journalist and their form of writing is more documentary than personal, and he probably struggled with adding details without making the story boring.

  3. I agree that this book is dull compared to how we expect it to be. Especially since this is a story of climbing the largest mountain in the world. I think that the reason Krakauer wrote the story in a bland way is because that's how he pictures that memory in his head. It's obviously not a delightful thing to keep in his mind but it is very hard to focus on the fun parts of a trip if you knew someone died on the same one. Usually people remember death more than fun.

  4. Quite honestly how interesting can you even make climbing a mountain its just days of repetition and if you don't almost fall off and die all is good. I can relate to the statement about struggling with description though as i too have a hard time putting old memories to written art.

  5. Wow great blog carter. I like how in your blog u tell me about how the author struggles with description and does not do a good job of sharing is feelings. for me this would make the book really hard and maybe boring to read. I can relate to this because i will also have to write a memoir and now that u point it out i think i may also have some trouble with knowing how much or how little detail to use when i'm writing.

  6. I agree that the story of the book is way more dull that I thought. I picked it because I thought it was more interesting than learning about oppression and discrimination we already learned before. It was not more interesting. The only interesting parts happened when people died, when there was emotion in the characters, sadness, guilt. I don't have problems with the detail but I have problems with the story. My life is average. I haven't been to Mount Everest or anoher country at all. I haven't even been to anything west of Missouri. I have no idea what I will write about. But I can see where you are coming from.
