Monday, September 19, 2016

Into Thin Air Post #2

Hello there, today I thought I would blog about how I can relate to this book. Fortunately/unfortunately I can say I have had the chance to do something semi-similar to this. Actually no that's kind of a lie because Mt. Everest is like the biggest accomplishment you could ever do but I like to think I'm cool so just let me. For the past 3 years every summer I have done serious backpacking expeditions and as it is fun (very fun) it is also the worst decision I make repeatedly every single summer. Climbing up steep mountains is just not something I find pleasant or even fun and yet I still do it ??? What I find interesting is that he doesn't really complain. At all. I'm not one to complain. Ever. I just do what needs to be done, but when you're tired, hot and pretty much dying of thirst but you can't get a decent sip of water in because you're up a steep mountain and if you stop walking you'll lose your momentum and slip, then you're gonna want to complain. This man, doesn't say a single word as to how he doesn't want to walk anymore. Maybe it's just because he doesn't want to make the book boring by saying that every chapter but if this is real life than I would totally include that. I feel like he could have used imagery to describe what people looked like as they were going up to really have an impact on the reader. So as I was saying earlier I really do enjoy backpacking and whatever except when I don't. Doesn't make sense to you? Me neither. Another thing I'd like to mention is that this guy, when he gets to the top (it has it at the beginning of them book don't attack me I swear I didn't skip to later in the book) he doesn't give a care in the world. I have to give him some sympathy because yes he did just do that thing and his brain cells are probably frozen :/ but like dude, you just did that. I would have at least groaned something like "yay." It wouldn't even have to be in an excited tone it could have just been like the most non excited yay in the word but it would still have been something. When I do my backpacking and I make it to the top of a mountain I am the most excited lil girl ever. Like come at me mountain. This guy literally takes one look for maybe about 5 seconds and leaves like oh honey. But I guess whatever fits your groove I'm just trying to make him feel special because that's such an accomplishment and you should have thrown a party or something. But yeah that's pretty much all I have for today. 💕 Swag ya later.


  1. I love how you connected the book to your own life because it tells me new things about you and how to look at the text. I did not even notice that he never complained about how tired or sore he was going up the mountain He must of been really grateful that he could climb Everest.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey girl. I love the fact that you have a similar story to that of the character's. I wish I could also relate to this with you, but you already know good and well the tallest thing I've climbed up was a flight of stairs lol. I think it's important to have connections to books because when you relate, you can have more opinions and think harder when you sort of understand what's going on. This is good girl, Swag ya later also!

  4. I really like how you described your climbing up mountains and compare it to the books climbing up mountains. I also climb mountains during the summer so it was cool hearing you talk about it (id also rather be at home to doing physical exercise) and it would have been interesting for me to have had read this book. q.hop out.

  5. I love how you related the life of the person in the book to your own life by comparing it to how you climb mountains. If you can have an event in your own life that is similar to the events in a book, I find it easier to connect with the characters, too. I almost wish I read this book instead of the one I chose!

  6. I love how you connected the story and compared things in you life to some of the things in the story, you found good connections in the book and made it so I looked differently at the book and that made the book much easier to read, you gave a good reflection ont he book and made it more interesting and I think the wads you did it was really cool

  7. First of all, you are hilarious and I love the way you write your blogs because it makes them really interesting to read. I like the way that you compared what you would do to what the author did.It helped me to realize that maybe he was excluding some real life stuff to make his memoir more interesting.

  8. I love your funny voice! I wonder when and where the author uses literary devices that you think do add to the reading experience? You mention that he doesn't use imagery to talk about the hikers as they climb the mountain. Is there another place where the author does use imagery in a way that you enjoy? Are there any devices that he uses that you think you will use in your memoir?
