Sunday, September 25, 2016

#3 glass castle

This is an exert from the Oprah show about my author. She begins telling Oprah the story that she starts the book with about how her parents are homeless. At first she is very very ashamed of her parents and embarrassed because of them. As time goes on she begins to realize that she doesn't have anything to be ashamed of and she shouldn't keep this a secret. Then Oprah helps her discover that she's only ashamed because she kept it a secret. If she hadn't have kept it a secret she wouldn't have any shame.

This might as well be the motto of the book, because they doesn't have the most luxurious or admirable lifestyle. As a young kid they never had new or nice clothes and everyone was always picking on them. Furthermore they never had food so they couldn't bring lunch to school or buy it when everyone else could. At first they were embarrassed of everyone picking on them. Just after a little while they build up a tolerance and don't care. They unite as a family and fight back at everyone, and stand up for themselves.

Not to get too off topic, but i really just ahem to bring this one thing up because it affects the dads life , and its really scary. When they are staying at their grandmas house grandma takes Brian into the other room to "fix his pants". Jeannette walks in and sees quite a scene. Brian is standing still encased with fear as grandma gropes him, and molests him! Now as and good sister Jeannette attacks grandma to make her stop. When the parents get back home the kids rush to tell them what has happened, and what grandma did to Brian. To their disbelief there parents are mad at Jeannette for hitting grandma to make her stop. Now I'm having a very very strong hunch that this has everything to do with the way their dad is now. This would also explain why their dad wanted them to stay away from their grandma so badly. It also provides a a reason that might help explain why he drinks to much, and why he can be so abusive sometimes.

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