Sunday, September 25, 2016

Bad Boy #3. By Walter Dean Myers


         Well its obviously a memoir so its telling a story about his life or his childhood.  He uses a lot of anger in his writing especially at the beginning when he gets in a ton of fights which make the mood sound angry.  He loves writing so when he describes what he reads and then writes something related to it gives off a sense of passion of his that he grows in to a lot quicker buy the time he is in 6th grade.  He is a passionate young man but he has a lot of arrogance which shows he is not scared but it puts him at risk.  He is a very special kid and he is to young to realize what he is doing was doing something wrong but he knew he was doing it to either make people bow down to him or to try to get attention.  He was treated with very little respect in school but his actions caused that but also his teachers had hatred for him.  He would say he would be good every year but he never could stay out of trouble which made him look like a dangerous person.  He stopped fighting at school which made him seem more grown up but he was still arrogant but in a funny way.  He ended hurting himself but he felt it was worth it so let him learn what to do and what not to do.  He has the choice to be a smart and willing person or an arrogant stupid person and he is in the middle of that.

1 comment:

  1. Your voice that you picked was the same as mine and I thought you explained your point of view fairly well. You and I sort of had the same vision when it came to writing this but I believe you explained this in a really good way.
