Friday, September 23, 2016

Bad Boy Blog Post

Reflections On Writing A Memoir

            Writing a memoir is not an easy task. Most writers tend to overthink the process which causes their writing to not be the best. I think the main problem in writing a memoir is choosing what to write about. You want your memoir to be descriptive and interesting without having too much information. Another major issue in writing is making sure your story makes sense. A story that just goes on and on gets pretty boring after a period of time. Writers also want everyone to love what they wrote but sometimes that's not the case. Everyone is not going to understand the way you think and feel. You definitely can't force someone to like your piece of writing. All people should be supportive of other people feelings and not judge them based on their lifestyle or any other reason. Personally, I don't know what my memoir would be about. My fourteen years of life have been very interesting but I can't tell you every single event that has occurred in my life. When writing a memoir, the event you choose about your life needs to be interesting enough so that you can grasp your reader's attention. The biggest concern I have when writing my memoir is my grade. I don't want a bad grade on something that I poured my heart into. It's really disappointing when you get graded on a personal event in your life. My word of advice is to be comfortable in what you write. Don't allow anyone on this earth to persuade you on your personal life or important events. Writing is a way for people to express their inner most thoughts and feelings that are not openly shared with others. Writing helps you disguise the feelings you want kept a secret. Writing is a positive outlet for most people and there should not be a grading scale on that. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the points that you made. Some writers tend to either add too much to their story or they add very little to it, making it hard for the reader to comprehend the information. Also, where you said, "you can't force someone to read your writing", is also true. Some people may think your writing is boring or just not in there interest. Very well-written.
