Sunday, October 2, 2016

The Glass Castle post # 2

For this post I decided to write about the making of a memoir.

  I have read multiple different memoirs so far in my life and of course they all touch on how their life was when they were younger, a lot of the time only 3-5 years old. This always made me ask the question, "how do they remember what they were like and what happened when they were so young?" This seems like a problem when writing a memoir. Over time I have come up with that the authors must of have asked other people and family members things about what they were like when they were younger. I am sure that these authors also maybe have pictures and maybe written things of what happened when they were younger and things like that. But I feel like maybe a lot of the ways the authors got this information was from sometimes winging it. Adding a few details they were guessing to be true to the story, etc.
  Even though these methods seem to be working i still feel like it probably is still and issue to them. It must be really hard to try to get things just right about something that happened years ago. It also must be super hard to try to add things that you are hoping were true as well. I don't know if these are the true methods being used and i wonder if they aren't, then what are the other sources/ methods being used?
  Another issue when writing a memoir might be the memories. I know personally I have gone through a lot in my life so far, and everyone else who is writing a memoir probably has to.  I feel like going back in time with your memories so you can write about them must be super difficult especially if they aren't happy ones. That is something i am nervous about when writing my memoir. It is going to be hard having to face those memories. I feel like this is definitely a struggle for memoir authors.
  Something that goes a long with memories is being honest. I feel like with people with hard lives or just people in general want to make their lives seem perfect with no drama or bad things. I feel like lots of people struggle with pushing themselves to tell the truth and be honest with themselves and others. I feel like this is also something i might struggle with too.
  Over all writing a memoir seems to be hard work because of trying to get things right, hard memories, being honest, etc. But i also feel like it is a great way to express yourself and to give people a glimpse into your life. I am excited to write mine.

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