Sunday, October 2, 2016

Quinn Blog #4

For this blog i really just want to focus on how the main character has developed from the beginning of the book to the end of the book. At the beginning of the book the main character was one of the youngest very in his large family and he was pretty timid. as he grew older and the siblings older than him moved out of the house he spent  less and less time in the house because he was trying to avoid the issues in his family. but i feel like because he wasn't at his house a lot he kind of missed the stuff big brothers / sisters get to do. but i also like understand how he didn't want to be at home and stuff(because his step dad died). At the end of the book he is all grown up and stuff and he is still talking about his mother, but there is one main difference which is him talking about his mother with more of a deeper understanding of like why she may do some of the things she does. I'm not going to lie, at first i thought this book was kind of boring but especially in this last  quarter of the book i can appreciate the writing. i think its because i have a better understanding of the authors life like i know not that his father was a pasture who died from lung cancer. Well that's really all i wanted to talk about so i'm finished.


  1. GAHAHAHA "so I'm finished." So I really liked your transition from not liking the book to getting a better understanding of it and in the end actually enjoying it. Is there any time you can relate to this book (like do you have any siblings) because I did not read this book but I can relate to the fact that I'm never in the house and honestly it's just because I don't really want to handle my parents they're annoying ash. But I guess this guy has a more legitimate reason. Swag ya later

  2. I often feel the same way when I read a book for school. I think "this is boring" until I see the inner workings behind what the author is trying to say. I also enjoyed reading this book, the author really is wonderful at making everything pop out in your head as you're reading. I also felt like his writing style and his actions in the story later on reflect how he now knows how his mother feels and why she acts the way she does.

  3. wow quinn this is really good! i really like the way that you were able to describe the character on a whole new level. anyone can physically describe someone but its much harder to describe them in terms of who they as a person. you had a great seamless transition that just made your whole post flow together.
