Sunday, October 2, 2016

Into Thin Air Blogpost #4

Some problems that I think occur with writing a memoir would be choosing a topic to write about. I have so many crazy memories and events that have happened in my life and I wouldn't know which one to write about. It would be hard for me to write about something really long because that wouldn't be just a memoir but a trilogy. Though choosing a topic for my memoir would be hard, something even harder would be writing about what I end up choosing. I know that sounds crazy but I always over-think everything, I would be over analyzing which details to use and where to put certain things and I would probably stress myself out way too much. Some things I wonder about writing a memoir are questions like, "Does the writing flow once you start or does do you write in breaks instead of all together?" Another question I have would be, "Do you start to remember things/details about the event that you forgot before?", and, things like "While writing, do authors ever consider stopping because they change their minds, and if so, how many times does this happen regularly?" As I am thinking about writing my own memoir, some big hang-ups I am worried about would be the things I said in the first few sentences. Things like thinking to much about the tiny details and things like not knowing what to write about. I am also worried about not being able to write a good memoir because I don't know how to start or just because I don't know what type of format I would use/which format I would be comfortable using. I am really nervous to be writing my own memoir because I know so many things can go wrong, but, I trust that in the end I will be satisfied with the way everything turns out. I watched this video and it helped me to better understand how to start my memoir.


  1. Like you, i am also unsure about what my memoir is going to be about. I am also the type of person that overthinks everything and is picky when it comes to writing. I might need to write my memoir a couple of times but hey, it's all good because we learn from our mistakes. I think that as we start writing our stories will flow easier and it will all be good. Good luck :)

  2. The whole aspect of me writing a memoir is bad. I think that if write a memoir it will end up so screwed that I might be kind of funny. All those questions ran thought my head too. I have no clues hopefully I will learn and get it eventually.
