Sunday, October 2, 2016


"Their remarks and responses were like a ping-pong game with each volley clearing the net and flying back to the opposition." Each playing with the hope that it won't be them to slip up with their words, ready for the other to become slower, less aware, prepared to strike with their best in the other's weakness. They stood across the room from each other, back to back, he lied and she found out, she always did. Who knows why he thought it would be any different this time. She loved him, honest, childish, but strong, just like when they were young, captured in the heat of the moment, just them, the rest of the world on pause. But he had moved on, found one that fell for him, less than she did, but that wasn't clear to him, it was a new place for him, new signs of affection, he needed a break from the one he grew to loath, or so he thought. She didn't want it, all those years she sat in her office waiting to have his warmth there to comfort her once again, all those times she had the assurance that he would be there when she needed him most. But she needed him now, and where was he? Across the room, back turned, tense, defensive, and thinking of nothing but the arms of a more reckless women, he fumed with the readiness to drive away from his wife of twenty three years, twenty four in just a matter of weeks now. She had caught him every time, six times, and for each she was forgiving, longing so much that he would come to realize once again that he loved her, that he would come back to her, and she could take off her mask of bravery, he never did. And so now she had to let go, he had moved on, and there was nothing she could do about it but let him go, like the tree did its leaves on their first date, that crisp fall evening so many years ago. The question was, could she?

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