Sunday, October 2, 2016

Black Boy Memoir #4

Reflections on Writing:

Some of the problems that I think memoir writers face are accuracy because it is challenging to remember exactly what happens in an event. While I know some people remember every single detail because it was a very important part of their lives other events can still be challenging to remember and they may lie about some details. I wonder about how the writer decides which events to put in their memoirs because they can't include every little part of their life. Now that we are starting to think about what we should put in our memoirs I can't seem to come up with a good topic to base the events off of since we don't want to put a lot of completely unrelated events in it. I feel very ambivalent about writing my memoir because I know it will be very stressful but I also think it will be fun writing about some memories I almost forgot. I think it will be very enjoyable recalling embarrassing moments in my life and strong/proud moments in my life.

Now that I am thinking about writing my own memoir I am worried about not putting in enough descriptive language to pull the readers attention inward. I tend to ramble a lot so I am worried about not staying on topic or putting in enough detail. I am also very worried about getting off topic to an entirely different theme and never noticing because it has happened before. Someone read one of my stories once and they pointed out to me like four different places where I got off topic. Anyway I also tend to use repetitive language frequently which I think will definitely show up in my memoir at some point. I am very worried about everything for this memoir and don't want it to sound horrible.


  1. Great response and blog entry. I think you made a really strong connection with the author author remembering every, exact action and feeling in his or her memory. I agree to your statement when you said —that it's hard to keep every word and action people took. I thought that it was cool when you shared some of your worries. On writing you memoir.

  2. I think that focusing on one moment will make the memoir writing process easier. You don't have to write about your whole life. One small, moment if written well can say a lot!
